Up in the air - again
Guess I was a bit cryptic about cashing in the frequent flyer miles. I’ve heard from Connie and am meeting her in the Cyclades. Whatever she’s uncovered is too sensitive to risk sending via email. She insisted I fly to Greece as soon as possible. After yesterday’s encounter with Holly I can barely think straight – those lips… She’s still wearing the same perfume. Anyway, it’s clearly evident she’s gotten herself into something more than just a little dangerous and from what Connie was able to say, this trip should put me closer to figuring out what that is and how I can get her out of it. She seems to have done a decent job taking care of herself for the past 15 years, so I shouldn’t worry too much about a couple more days, right? Who am I kidding? I’m worried sick, but she seems determined on keeping me out of what’s going on, so I’ll have to work it out for myself.
Heard from Anna. She’s somewhere in the southern hemisphere. How’s that for specific? She hasn’t heard from Robin either, but chalks it up to her spending time ‘resolving the couch issue’ with that kid Drake. I cringe at whatever it is that’s a euphemism for, but Anna always was good at telling me things I don’t want to hear. I’ll swing through Port Chuck on my way back from Greece just to make sure my daughter and brother know how to use their email.