Checking on Robin.
Well, I finally managed to catch a flight to Port Charles. I caught the news in the airport and rushed straight to the hospital. It seems some robbery went bad at the Metro-Court and resulted in a long hostage stand-off. Robin was shot and PC's newest psycho blew up the hotel lobby. I called Mac right away to find out what the bloody hell was going on in that town. Obviously he could not talk. My little brother is in way over his head. He did tell me Robin was alright and she was in GH under Drake's care. I had to see for myself. I snuck into her room. I had to dodge some large nurse who feels she is the new hospital guard dog. Who says I don't still have all my spy skills!
Anyway, she was sleeping and very pale, but her chart looked good. She woke up and we talked for a bit. I explained to her where I have been and what I have been doing. She wants to me find out what is going on with Holly. She mumbled something about true love and Chinese life-savers before dozing off. She was so drugged I doubt she will even remember any of it. I am just relieved she will be alright.
Now, i am on my way again. I am sitting in the airport waiting for my flight. Thank God I didn't book jetblue. Seems like there is big trouble at a big party, and if there is trouble-- I am sure Holly is not far away.