I Hate Bloody Airports.....
I swear if I didn't have bad luck, I have no bloody luck at all. I finally got through to Luke and he filled me on what's happening in Port Charles. I need to get back to help Robin, but I'm stuck here at the airport in Madrid – have been for hours. A torrential storm blew in out of nowhere and all flights have been grounded.
I have to shake my head at what's become of what was my first real home. Port Charles is a very sad shell of its former great self. The mob has taken over and the police are inept. Now is seems the bad guys are considered the good ones. If I didn't have more pressing matters to attend to, I'd stay there and clean it up. Malcolm is obviously in way over his head.
Holly – if you're reading this, I haven't given up – just delayed a bit. I think I'm gonnaneed a good party, know where I can find one?