Making Progress
Seems that Helena has resurrected an old Cassadine past-time of trying to put the world back into the Ice Age. Fortunately, the world has a couple of crackerjack agents to foil their plans. Holly and I have managed to find and rescue those scientists Helena kidnapped. Although, their work was completed and the old bat flew the cave with the finished weather machine. Of course, it seems she cannot use it without the rest of the jewels.
I managed to get Holly through it all completely unscathed. I cannot say the same thing. I am not as young as I used to be and those thugs of Helena's seemed to have been working out a lot. Holly seems to be spending too much time gloating over the success of her plan, OUR plan. You would think she would be a little more sensitive. I remember when she used to be a little more sympathetic to my injuries.
I can see she has that look in her eye. I have a feeling she is cooking up a new plan, and I have a feeling I am not going to like it.