"I wasted time, and now doth time waste me"
It's hard to believe that roughly a year ago I chased Luke and that blasted monkey to Port Charles. If I had the last year to do over, would I change things? I'm not sure. It's a relief to be "alive" again. What I would do is change the past 15 years if I could. Hindsight being 20/20 and all that.
I noticed that I wasn't getting too many comments on this blog. I asked Robin how she manages to get 15 comments nearly every single day. She wasn't completely sure, but suggested that I change comment logs - so I did. Now people don't have to sign in to leave comments. I think I prefer that. The last time I was chatting with Mac, he showed me some identity theft statistics. No one wants to be leaving their information all over the place.
I figure that a fringe benefit might be that I may get some more leads on Holly's whereabouts.