Not What I'd Call Southern Hospitality
Well, well. Guess who had to buy a new laptop today? It would seem that someone isn’t very happy with my snooping around the bureau’s network for information on Holly. While I was out last night some gentlemen let themselves into my hotel room and proceeded to ransack the place. They didn’t steal the laptop - they smashed her to bits. Everything on her was encrypted, but I never leave anything important on the machine anyway. Flash drives. Wonderful little things - and so portable. So yeah – they got nothing. I really didn’t think I found anything useful yesterday, but from the looks of my trashed hotel room, I’m guessing I was wrong. Now I just have to figure out what it was.
I haven’t heard back from Robin or Mac yet. I guess there’s lots going on in Port Chuck, although I can’t imagine what. I sent Anna a quick note asking if she had checked in on Robin. She’d be much better at dealing with this Drake and his couch stuff than me. Last I heard, Anna was involved in a revolution somewhere. It will probably take ages to hear from her as well. I did get an interesting note from Connie though. She’s working somewhere in Europe and said she’d follow up on the Greece thing for me when she has a chance.
Still no word from Holly – aside from her reply the other day – which I still can’t really trust. That’s one of the few drawbacks of this whole internet thing. After last night’s events, I’m more determined than ever to find Holly and sort this virus mess out.
I’m off to find a pub with a cozy dark corner. I need to get this new laptop up to speed – it came with Vista. We’ll see how that goes. Then I need to start searching through the files I downloaded yesterday. Figure out what bit of information was worth destroying a nice hotel room over.